Thursday, September 20, 2012

My World of Crazy Fun: Stunning Young Lady

I'm sharing a link of my photographer friend Selena. She took pictures of my neice Demi this summer.  Gorgeous pictures! 

My World of Crazy Fun: Stunning Young Lady:

Brother and Family come for a visit from Arizona

Dave catches huge lingcod, one for the records. 
                                            Tammy and Demi
 The girls in downtown Anchorage
   Don and Family visit the AK National Guard where Tanner works as a blackhawk mechanic and crew chief.

Adelle Celebrates 83rd Birthday

                                        Grandma Adelle, Tish and Emily

Carson, Emily, Grandma & Kait
                                               Melba and Tish

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Easter 2012

Kaitlan makes her Bunny cake every year for Easter.
Notice how high up the pants are wet.  We had record snowfall in Anchorage and the kids are having a hard time finding the eggs due to the deep snow.  Carson lost her shoes and we found them later after the snow melted.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fort Benning, GA- Boot Camp Graduation

Fort Benning, Georgia-Boot Camp Graduation

Tanner has joined the Alaska National Guard to become a Blackhawk Helicopter mechanic.

The Lauderback Family

Siblings- Darcy, DJ and Tammy

Thought this was a touching picture with a father and his son.

Tanner and Demi Lauderback

As a retired military family, Dave and I are so proud that Tanner has chosen to make a career in aviation. He will attend his helicopter training course in Virginia in January.