Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kaitlan goes to Homecoming 2011

Kaitlan is now a Freshman at Chugiak High School.

Kait looked stunning in her bright pink dress.  She's growing up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nephew Tanner Graduates in Arizona, Summer 2011

All of the girls on graduation day. Carson, Kait, Demi, Ashlyn and Emma.

Tanner and Demi

Tanner and Grandma

All of the cousins together

Tanner with Mom, Dad and Sister


DJ with his beautiful wife and daughter

Tammy with Brother Don and Sister Darcy

Me with my girls

Graduation Day for my nephew Tanner. 
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Friends from Kentucky come for a visit. Summer 2011

Our good friends Mark and Jan Ostbloom came in July for an Alaskan fishing, clamming and sightseeing excursion.  The first stop was clamming at Deep Creek, then we went to Homer for halibut fishing, they went on from there to fish the Kenai and Russian River and then back to Anchorage to shop and see the downtown area. Great times and many wonderful memories from this visit.

Trip to our friends lake cabin on the Yentna River, Alaska

Summer is coming to an end here in Alaska. The fall weather is approaching fast. Dave took Carson one last time to our freinds cabin for Labor Day weekend. It's about an hour boat ride in on the Yentna River.